Author Joe Holt (aka Aloha Joe) was born in Santa Barbara, California USA, in 1978. After living in CPS Care in San Diego, foster homes, two temporary adoptions, and a forced child labor camp, he signed to join the United States Marine Corps on his 17th birthday. His Asperger Spectrum of Autism, went undiagnosed until he was 32 years old.

After two enlistments in the Marines as an Aviation Electrical Engineer, he had attained the rank of Sergeant, had served two tours overseas in Japan and South Korea. A combination of military and off-duty injuries led to his medical retirement at the age of 23.

Author Joe Holt is the father of two sons, Joseph Jr. and Justin, and a Grandfather of Victoria and Madeline. He currently lives in Palm Coast, Florida, USA. He is an 11 Time Author, Theoretical Physicist, photographer, artist, musician, and Ambassador of Aloha.



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Ambassador of Aloha - Author  - Unified Quantum Theory

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Author Joe Holt

Author Joe Holt

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